North Carolina | Ft. Lauderdale Family Photographer

The kids and I jetted off to the mountains of North Carolina last week for a couple of days of family time and r&r.  Although there’s not much r&r when traveling with two kids without my hubby.  It was a last minute trip to visit my grandparents.  The last time I was up there was late June and it wasn’t exactly for the best circumstances. (I blogged about that trip here!).  We usually go up right after Christmas for a few days, but because of the baby being due right at that time, I knew I had to go now, or wait till spring.  Anyway, it just kind of worked out that last week was available, so off we went with my dad.  We stayed with my Aunt Libby and Uncle Bill and got to spend lots of quality time with my grandparents. The weather was amazing and the fact that we got to experience a real “fall” was nice too.  It was really one of the best family trips I’ve had in a long time.  My grandmother is looking and feeling great.  My kids had a great time and were friendly and nice (which is sometimes an issue with family that we only see twice a year, if that).   I also got to see my cousin Kym (owner and photographer of Kym Drum Photography), but unfortunately it was only for a few hours.   The only request I had was to take the kids apple picking.  Thankfully apples are still in season.  Sky Top Orchard, if you’re ever in Western North Carolina in the fall.  We’re already planning our trip for spring.  This time with THREE kids and my husband in tow.

There’s just something about kids dressed for cooler weather and the colors of autumn that make for great images.  I could shoot in fall all season long.

Till next time,


courtney ortiz photography

modern family photography


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