Family Friday | Ft Lauderdale Family Photographer

I’d love to start this post off and declare that every Friday from here on as “Family Friday” and dedicate it to images of my kiddos, but I know better than to do something like that.  My follow through isn’t that great.  I remember a year or so ago I started “Photo of the Day”.  That lasted about a week, if that.  So instead of declaring every Friday “Family Friday”, I declare just today “Family Friday”.  That way if I’m able to continue it then it’s just an added bonus, and if not, well, I never promised you a rose garden.

These images of my daughter were taken over the summer.  I love them all.  There are about 30 total in the gallery.  I’d like to do a super super large “Signature 16” storyboard for her room.  But as most personal images, they unfortunately have sat way too long collecting dust on the hard drive…until now.  She’s really become quite a little ham for me, when she’s in the mood.  Which I really enjoy.  My son isn’t so much a willing participant.  Of course each quick session has to end with a lollipop, but I don’t mind obliging when I’m able to look at what she gives me in return.  Melt my heart!  Owen will come over eventually when he’s tired of her getting all the attention.  I’m one lucky parent.

Till next time,


because I can’t help myself

top and jeans: JCrew Crewcuts

shoes: China Doll purchased at Buy Buy Baby

courtney ortiz photography

modern family photography



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